“Paradigm Shift” is a captivating graphic design project centered around creating a visually stunning movie poster for an imaginary university film. Originating from a compelling movie prompt, the narrative follows four college students who discover a time machine in the trunk of an abandoned car.
The graphic design process seamlessly transforms this narrative into a very complete visual experience, using strategic elements such as depth, thoughtful colour composition, intricate photos, and texture detailing. “Paradigm Shift” transcends typical portfolio entries, inviting viewers to explore the synergy between storytelling and graphic aesthetics.
Programs Used
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
The creation of the “Paradigm Shift” movie poster involved a strategic combination of graphic design tools. Adobe Photoshop served as the central hub for detailed design work, while Adobe Illustrator contributed to creating a distinctive logo and font adjustments. 3D modeling, on a smaller scale, added a realistic dimension to elements like planets, complemented by separate texture creation in Photoshop. This collaborative use of tools resulted in a visually compelling and immersive poster, bringing the imaginary world of “Paradigm Shift” to life with precision and creativity.